Reach, Performance and Compliance. Powered by on-device technology

Anonymised is the cookieless & ID-less data platform that helps advertisers understand, reach and monetise audiences at scale, without exposing any personal data.

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Benefits for Advertisers:


Customer Discovery

Cookieless Targeting

Advertisers can link ad exposure to conversions or run their attribution algorithms on the Anonymised platform to accurately measure their campaign’s effectiveness, without ever collecting or revealing any personal data.

Anonymised empowers Advertisers to use their first party data without ever exposing it. Brands can retarget their own customers or discover new high-propensity consumers using our lookalike AI models.

Anonymised’s cross-publisher audience-linking allows advertisers to find their target audiences with an unprecedented granularity, leveraging consent-based, non-sensitive interest and intent data

Cookieless Targeting

Anonymised’s cross-publisher audience-linking allows advertisers to find their target audiences with an unprecedented granularity, leveraging consent-based, non-sensitive interest and intent data.

Customer Discovery

Anonymised empowers Advertisers to use their first party data without ever exposing it. Brands can retarget their own customers or discover new high-propensity consumers using our lookalike AI models.

Think different. Stay ahead.

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