
Target untapped audiences without personal data

Anonymised is the cookieless & ID-less data platform that helps publishers and advertisers understand, reach and monetise audiences at scale, without exposing any personal data.

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Audience Targeting

Target previously inaccessible audiences without exposing personal data

Customer Discovery

Find new customers leveraging granular audience data

Retargeting & Extension

Increase conversion and revenues by finding your customers off site

Cookies are dying.
Audiences are waning.
People want privacy.

To stay ahead, you need to find new, high-value customers using technology built for a privacy-first internet. But all the software available is a compromise between performance and compliance.

Anonymised targeting redefines what’s possible.

Anonymised connects publishers who want to better monetise their audiences and advertisers who want to increase marketing performance. Our cutting-edge, proprietary technology gives you scale, targeting accuracy and privacy compliance that you never thought was possible.

Monetise 100% of your audiences

Push the boundaries of addressability: target all consented users with a persistent cross-publisher identifier, and non-consentant users with powerful lookalike predictions

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Target and retarget with accuracy

Deliver campaigns at scale across all browsers using anonymised data. Target using custom interest and intent data then or retarget your visitors with relevant ads.

Picture of a woman facing her laptop

Don’t sell out your data

Bulletproof your GDPR compliance and protect consumer privacy by using anonymised data.

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Over 90%

Audience reach in cookieless browsers

Up to 8x

Higher yields on cookieless & ID-less inventory


Match rates on all environments


Segments available to marketers


Personal data disclosed

Think different. Stay ahead.

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