Luke Taplin-McCallum joins Annonymised as Head of Advertising Sales

Mattia Fosci

October 5, 2023
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min read

Another busy week for our team at Anonymised as we continue our growth journey with another new starter, Luke Taplin-McCallum. Joining us to head up our Advertising Sales, Luke will bring an incredible network and his creativity to support our advertisers in a cookieless future. We sat down with Luke to understand what his priorities will look like over the next few months and how he will support Advertisers going into 2024.

Welcome to the Anonymised team, what interested you in joining?

I get excited by new technologies that solve a real problem. 

And with 70% of open web unaddressable, an industry frantically struggling to appease regulators, and Google counting down the days until their deprecation of 3P cookies. Clearly there’s a big problem that needs solving.

Anonymised is a bunch of incredibly smart people, approaching this problem in a refreshingly unique way. I’m delighted to be a part of it.

What do the priorities look like for you over the next three months?

I’d like to start by integrating into the team, and contributing to business operations and culture, alongside getting under the hood of our tech.

Then of course it’s about being present in the market. I want to be working with my close friends, partners and new faces. Helping them navigate a rapidly evolving space, and implementing frameworks that are conducive in future-proofing their clients, whilst delivering on today’s media metrics. 

Our industry is full of fantastic people - I’m looking forward to meeting a wealth of new faces; from our existing client and partner portfolio, to out at events or in agencies… I’m anticipating staying very well caffeinated with many introductions already in the diary.

What does the future of this industry look like, do you think?

The internet is becoming increasingly private and equitable. User privacy is paramount. The systems we’re reliant on are no longer fit for purpose. 

What's Luke like outside of the day-to-day?

Either doing something sporty (when I’m not battling an endless list of injuries), gaming, or in the kitchen cooking up fake-aways.

Here's a game, 3 of the statements below are true and 1 is a lie. I’ll let you take a guess:

I competed in the Call of Duty World Championships. 

I was a top 100 UK U18 chess player. 

My 2nd cousin is James Blunt.

I shared the same barber as Jeremy Corbyn.

As a Mental Health England first aider, I'm an advocate of fostering inclusive environments that enable everyone to do their best work.

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