Unparalleled performance.
Unseen technology.
Uncompromised compliance.

The technology you use to deliver marketing performance is on the way out, and no one knows yet what will replace it. Cookieless products struggle to deliver on privacy and performance. Time is ticking, money is being left on the table every minute of every hour of every day.




Anonymised is different

Anonymised targeting reshapes digital marketing for the cookieless & ID-less world. We let the industry increase media efficiency using anonymised data so that privacy and marketing performance can go hand in hand. Let us show you how.

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Anonymised Targeting

Advertising is targeted to cross-domain user profiles, aggregated into anonymised segments

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Reaches 100% of users

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Maps consumer preferences across domains

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Maps consumer preferences over time

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Supports campaign measurement

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Supports granular segmentation using non-sensitive data

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Supports retargeting of segments

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Supports frequency capping across domains

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Complies with GDPR by only disclosing anonymised segment IDs

Email-Based IDs

Advertising is targeted to logged-in users, whose encrypted email is used as a cross-domain ID

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Only reaches a small proportion of users who log in

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Maps consumer preferences across domains

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Maps consumer preferences over time

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Supports campaign measurement

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Supports granular segmentation

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Supports retargeting of logged-in users

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Does not support frequency capping

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Does not appear to comply with GDPR if the hashed email is shared programmatically

First-Party Data

Advertising is targeted based on user interests collected on a single domain

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Reaches 100% of users that accept cookies

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Does not map consumer preferences across domains

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Maps consumer preferences over time

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Does not support campaign measurement

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Does not support granular segmentation

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Does not support retargeting

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Does not support frequency capping across domains

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Only complies with GDPR if first-party IDs are not shared programmatically

Clean Rooms

Advertising is targeted using profiles matched between two overlapping datasets

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Reaches a small proportion of users that 'match'

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Maps consumer preferences across two or a few datasets

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Maps consumer data collected over time

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Does not support campaign measurement

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Supports granular segmentation

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Does not support retargeting

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Does not support frequency capping

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Does not appear to comply with GDPR if individual consumer data is enhanced without consent

Contextual Advertising

Advertising is selected and served based on the context of the page the user is on

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Reaches 100% of users

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Does not map consumer preferences across domains

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Does not map consumer preferences over time

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Does not support campaign measurement

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Does not support granular segmentation

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Does not support retargeting

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Does not support frequency capping

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Complies with GDPR because it does not use personal data

Think different. Stay ahead.

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